Affordable Bulk SMS Plans are available for both large organizations and small businesses. Each SMS Plan comes with a robust administrative portal, quite different from the conventional portal many of our customers are used to. With this Administrative Portal, your organization can adequately centralise and organize your entire bulk messaging amidst each staff of the organization. Please find below, detailed features of the various Plans we have made available for the overall success of your marketing department:
An Administrator is assigned and given full Administrative Privileges to access and manage your organization's sms account. The Administrator is expected to be one of your staff or ours if you can't provide one. The Administrator would also oversee and coordinate every sub-account and bulk sms sent by each staff our organization. The Administrative Privileges include:
The Administrator's account is empowered to notify each designated staff of any important message or other required information that needs to disseminated to various SMS Contacts.
Messages sent by each staff are firstly approved by the Administrator before successfully delivered. That is to say, such messages are put on hold until the Administrator authenticates them. Automatic Approval could be set on several sub-accounts to enable messages sent from those account delivered immediately.
Conventionally, messages scheduled can no longer be altered. But for our entire SMS Plans, such messages can be stopped, rescheduled or even edited as long as the initial scheduled period has not been reached.
Also, messages that has been composed and successfully sent cannot be deleted but this is possible in all our SMS Plans. Though that role is the exclusive of the Administrator and he/she can delete any message sent by either him/her or any other staff of the organization.
Each SMS Plan allows branding of the portal with information pertaining to the organization as well as basic preferences.
We have made 24/7 Support available for all our plans so that you could always reach us via Whatsapp Number: +2348160266850. You can also use our Contact Form to send your enquiry/request to us and we would reply you immediately.
We understand that sometimes your organization could be preoccupied with other details and might therefore prefer to outsource your bulk messaging. Well, there is no need to pay for such outsourcing because we provide such services for free and you can trust us to serve your organization professionally despite being free. This free service includes, broadcasting messages to intended recipients or contacts on your behalf whenever you prompt us to do so. It also entail composing your message with sales nugget that would generate positive feedback/profit for your organization. Conclusively, we will always email you a comprehensive report of every message sent and you could always login at anytime to view the message details yourself and also verify the corresponding delivery-report of each phone number of the recipients.